Privacy Policy

The purpose of the privacy policy is to provide the natural person (data subject) with information about the purposes, purpose, scope, security, protection of the natural person's data processing, as well as to provide other information about the processing of personal data.


Personal data

Personal data is event information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.


Application of privacy policy

The privacy policy of SIA "Snackoland" is applied to the processing of personal data, regardless of the way (form) a natural person provides personal data (or the natural person's data is provided by a person in accordance with the law/authorization/consent): in paper form, in electronic form, SIA " Snackoland" on the website, online store, store u.tml.


Basic information

Purpose of personal data processing:Conclusion of contracts for the purchase of goods/services, execution of goods delivery, settlement administration, fulfillment of warranty obligations.

Manager:SIA "Snackoland", registration no. 40203417861

Legal address:Rātsupītes iela 9, Kurzeme district, Riga, LV-1067, Latvia

Legal basis:Legitimate interests of SIA "Snackoland".

Transfer of data to a third country:Not happening.

Data recipients:Controller, controller operator and competent (law enforcement) state authorities, cooperation partners and service providers (outsourced service providers) providers, database administration service providers, cloud computing service providers, accounting outsourcing providers, attorneys, legal offices, operators, u.tml./u.c..

Dlatvian Defense


Personal data processing and legal basis

The trade in personal data is carried out in order to fulfil the objectives set out in the privacy policy, including the legitimate interests of SIA Snackoland” (commercial activities), to comply with the legal requirements regarding the receipt, processing, storage, transfer of personal data” of natural persons, u.tml., as well as to fulfill the requirements of regulatory acts regulating consumer rights

The duration of personal data storage depends on the period regulated by the regulatory act or the period determined by the concluded contract, or the period regulated by SIA "Snackoland". Personal data is not stored as long as it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of regulatory acts, respecting the legitimate interests of SIA "Snackoland". When the processing/storage of personal data is no longer necessary, the personal data is deleted.


The processing of personal data is carried out using specialized and secure software in order to ensure safe processing and storage of personal data, using antivirus programs ("firewalls") and using technological solutions of others. Personal data is protected by access systems and special programs.


Transfer of personal data

Personal data is not transferred to further countries (countries that are not EU and/or EEA countries).

Personal data may be transferred to SIA "Snackoland" cooperation (including outsourcing companies), service providers (operators) and authorized legal, natural persons (lawyers, lawyers). The transfer of personal data takes place securely using secure software and technologies. data is transferred only to the Person, as much as it is necessary to fulfill the legal and legal interests of SIA "Snackoland".


Commercial offer, dispatch of advertising material

Commercial notices are sent to those addressees / natural persons who have agreed to receive SIA "Snackoland" commercial notices (advertising materials). Information on opting out of receiving commercial (advertising) communications is provided in the commercial (advertising) e-mail. You can opt out of receiving commercial (advertising materials) notifications by writing to the e-mail:


Protection of personal data

Personal data protection rules are implemented in accordance with the valid regulatory enactments (regulations, laws) in the field of personal data processing.


Access to your persons

A natural person may, on the basis of a written submission, subject to the requirements of the acts adopting, submitting and examining personal data, send their personal data protection legislation (by post: SIA SIAckoland”, Rātsītes iela 9, Kurzemes rajon, LV-1067, Latvia, by e-mail: or submit a written submission to one of SIA Snackoland” stores (store addresses).

When submitting an application, a natural person is obliged to identify himself/herself to the extent necessary/in such a way that it is possible for SIA "Snackoland" to make sure that the person submitting the written application is the person whose data he/she requests. In this case, SIA "Snackoland" provides available personal data and other information provided by law.


Right to withdraw consent

A natural person shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent to the processing of personal data. The revocation shall be made in the same way as if only consent had been given to the processing of your personal data.

In the case of a natural person, the natural person may send his/her written objection to the termination of the processing of personal data to SIA Snackoland” at the following address: Rātsupītes iela 9, Kurzemes rajon, Riga, LV-1067, Latvia and/or by e-mail: limits the processing of personal data that was carried out before receiving the revocation. Also, the withdrawal of consent regulates and does not stop the processing of personal data, which is carried out in accordance with and/or based on legal grounds (regulation, law, regulations).

Audio recordings of telephone calls
We're concerned that all phone calls are being recorded for customer service quality control purposes. As a result of the alleged violations of international humanitarian law and the violations of international humanitarian law and international humanitarian law, the Government of the Russian Federation has taken measures to prevent, suppress and eradicate human rights abuses.


Final information

SIA "Snackoland" has the right to make changes to the privacy policy by notifying the relevant natural persons (data subjects). These headings shall not be construed in any other way than for the purpose of all provisions. If the data subject (natural person) believes that his rights have been violated regarding the processing of personal data, he has the right to SIA "Snackoland" or the State Data Inspectorate.